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I had fun working with Back To Front on the Camden Is… Poetry Book

Camden Council are bidding to become the London Borough of Culture in 2019/20. Back To Front are now engaged in an on-going collaboration to help them develop a communication programme that showcases the area’s rich cultural heritage. This started in July 2017, when, working to an extremely tight deadline of just one week, we created a name and full visual identity for the campaign: ‘Camden Is…’

The most recent project in the bid has seen Back To Front designing and producing a poetry book by Polarbear, highlighting Camden’s key cultural locations, and highlighting the keywords that locals use to describe these venues. This wonderfully open and collaborative project was co-created with the people of Camden – the council ran a number of workshops to explore how people felt about the borough. Using the notes and transcripts from these workshops, Polarbear crafted a poem, which Back To Front then brought to life across a number of colour pages featuring illustrations of Camden’s iconic architecture. The beautifully produced book will now be given back to the people of Camden, completing the circle – using literature to engage people with local culture, and local culture to engage people with literature.

© Rudi de Wet Studio 2024